Carriage Compensation Unit

These etched brass units for bogie vehicles provide a suspension system with the following characteristics:-
• Ability to compensate for changes in vertical track alignment and any degree of cant.
• Enhanced stability of vehicle body and bogies.
• Free running to allow scale length trains to be hauled.
They consist of an etched brass 'outside bearing' subframe which will accept standard bearings and wheelsets from Gibson, Jackson, Maygib, Ultrascale, etc. The CCU is mounted on the coach underframe using a press stud which is supplied. This arrangement allows the bogie to be attached and removed easily. Alex Jackson couplings may also be fitted. To finish the bogie the modeller must provide bearings and wheelsets to the appropriate gauge and cosmetic side frames. MJT cosmetic bogie sideframes MJT 2401 LMS 9 ft Riveted, 2402 LMS 9 ft Welded, 2421 GWR 9 ft American, 2422 GWR 9 ft Pressed Steel and 2424 GWR 9 ft Fishbelly are suitable for use with this CCU but any sideframes with the correct wheelbase can be accommodated provided the rear face is filed flat.

Brass Pin Point bearings - waisted (MJT 4009) and shouldered (MJT 4010) - are suitable for use with this CCU.

(OO Gauge / 4mm Scale)

Pack contains two CCUs - sufficient for two bogies.

A fuller description of this item is given in the assembly instructions which can be downloaded here.

Price: £7.00

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